Rescuers shocked to find struggling puppy in tiny bag, barely breathing

It’s heartbreaking when someone decides their dog is no longer wanted. It’s downright cruel when the poor pup is abandoned and left to fend for itself.

Some people consider it too much trouble to care for their sick dogs and choose to desert them instead.

This poor pup found itself in such unfortunate circumstances, left behind by an uncaring owner with no concern for its wellbeing.

A compassionate passerby stumbled upon the dog, trapped inside a plastic bag, struggling to breathe. Horrified by the neglect, he decided to step in and help.

What Kind of Person Does This?

puppy left in bag
Source: Youtube

When the rescuer first saw the pup, he was stunned by the crowd around it, just watching with no intention to help.

It seemed like no one cared that the dog was fighting for air inside the bag. No one even tried to assist the poor animal.

Unwilling to simply observe, he quickly took her to a veterinary clinic so the professionals could examine her.

He could see the agony the dog was experiencing. The vets diagnosed her with canine distemper.

puppy in pink cage
Source: Youtube

They explained this meant she would endure struggles for the remainder of her life. The veterinarians suggested a treatment plan but also mentioned euthanasia as an option to spare her suffering.

The man was adamant against the latter and resolved to pursue the treatment, no matter the cost. He was not about to give up on her.

Back at his home, he set up a cozy place for her to rest. Being just three months old, it was going to be a challenge to care for her.

Treating the Puppy Regularly

dog on the floor
Source: Youtube

He brought her for daily injections at the clinic, and slowly, she began to improve. Her appetite increased, and her spirits lifted somewhat.

However, she still felt uneasy without her rescuer nearby, becoming anxious in his absence.

She also experienced frequent vomiting, which added complications. Her caretaker worked tirelessly to help her, but it would take time to see progress.

The clinic revisited her condition for further examination, and while waiting, he noticed her playing with other folks there.

The tests showed marginal improvement, but she continued to suffer from the illness, which had reached an advanced stage.

Devastating News

rescued puppy
Source: Youtube

Nevertheless, the man was devoted to ensuring his beloved pup enjoyed her days as much as possible for the time they had left together. Bracing for the inevitable, he kept showering her with love and attention.

He introduced her to his son, who enjoyed spending time with the puppy, and enlisted his sister, a veterinarian, to assist with her care.

His sister took the pup into her home, offering her attentive care. Further tests showed her condition continued to deteriorate.

a man with dog in arms
Source: Youtube

Her legs lost function, and it became clear she wouldn’t survive. Her new family gathered to comfort her in her final moments.

They hoped their presence brought her peace. When her strength finally faded, she crossed the rainbow bridge to a better place.

Though heartbroken by her loss, they found solace in knowing she was loved deeply and passed away surrounded by those who cared for her.