No one enjoys the surprise of an unfamiliar face at their door, especially within their own living space. However, life can sometimes throw unexpected visitors our way, and I’m not just talking about potential burglars.
Imagine the jolt of discovering an unfamiliar animal has made its way into your home, right behind you.
Kayla Sargeant experienced just this one day when she briefly opened her apartment door to let in fresh air. As she turned away, a presence caught her attention from behind. She spun around, shocked to find a dog staring back at her.
Her initial alarm quickly faded when she realized there was no danger present.
He Became a Regular
Initially, Kayla felt startled and unsure of how to react. She soon calmed down when she saw that the dog wasn’t aggressive at all.
Upon closer inspection, Kayla identified him as a senior Pit Bull. He was gentle and seemed to crave affection. Naturally, Kayla showered him with love and attention.
The hurdle was that the dog didn’t have any ID tags, leaving his origins a mystery. Kayla lived with four roommates, and together they decided to let the unexpected guest roam in their yard while they figured out their next steps.
Yet, as they returned to the yard, the dog vanished. They assumed he belonged to a nearby neighbor. But before they began their search, he showed up again.
“This became a regular occurrence — he’d show up, we’d give him water [and] some food, some pets — and eventually when he was comfortable enough with us, we put a leash on him and walked him to our local vet to check for a microchip,” Kayla shared with The Dodo.
The truth was unveiled during a trip to the vet.
Love at First Sight
This elderly Pit Bull, affectionately named Fatty by his previous family, had quite the backstory. Unfortunately, due to certain circumstances, they could no longer care for him.
Fatty wandered from home to home, searching for love until he stumbled upon Kayla’s residence, where he found companionship beyond his wildest dreams.
“He’s doing great now,” said Kayla. “He’s clean, loved, happy and well-fed! We will be taking care of him as long as needed.”
Nicknames like House Hippo, Old Man, or Stinky Boy have been lovingly given to him. He now enjoys all the comforts of home, such as delicious meals and a snug bed. With two of the roommates being veterinarians, Fatty is surrounded by a caring and medically knowledgeable household.
This senior dog sought happiness for a long time, knocking on countless doors without success. He finally found his haven with Kayla and her roommates, who opened their hearts and gave him joy in his golden years.