Hope For Paws often embarks on daring adventures to save animal lives, but this particular mission was one of the toughest challenges this famous rescue group has faced.
In the middle of the night, an urgent email reached Hope For Paws, California, alerting them to faint kitten cries coming from inside a homeowner’s wall.
Eldad, the founder, together with rescuers Loreta and JoAnn, rushed to see what was going on. They had no idea that this attempt would be such an intense and difficult task, with hardly any signs of life.
Discovering Kittens Trapped Inside
Arriving at the house around midnight, the team heard that the kitten sounds had abruptly stopped 8 hours before they got there.
They grew anxious, fearing the kittens might not have survived. “After 8 hours of silence, I feared they were already gone,” Eldad admitted.
The situation was both critical and tricky, as they needed permission to cut into the wall.
“This rescue was seriously challenging… with no signs of life, we had to ask the homeowner to destroy his property,” the team shared in a Facebook post.
With masks and flashlights, they began creating small openings in the wall.
Feeling uneasy about damaging someone’s home, they joked about uncovering odd items hidden behind the walls.
Initially, their camera only showed old newspapers inside. They needed to make a bigger hole.
Still, nothing was visible, and they nearly left, feeling defeated.
As they were almost ready to give up, Loreta noticed movement—the kittens were still clinging to life!
After widening the hole further, the team was able to retrieve two tiny kittens from inside. They seemed to be only a couple of weeks old.
“We made sure no other kittens were left behind,” they confirmed.
An Extraordinary Save
No one knew how the kittens ended up inside the wall, but the rescuers had a theory.
Their post speculated: “We think they fell from the attic to the floor (15ft). After that, their mother likely moved the others, and she hasn’t been seen by the homeowner since.”
Once safe, JoAnn gave the kittens sugar water to stabilize their glucose. Her quick thinking was essential to their survival.
JoAnn took on the role of their mother. Over 8 weeks, she bottle-fed, cleaned, and kept them warm. “The results were just incredible,” they marveled.
The sweet kittens were named Blondie and Dagwood.
The Kitty Bungalow Charm School for Wayward Cats offered to care for the kittens and find them a loving home.
Although there’s no official update, I’m confident that these adorable kittens found a place where they’re now thriving and happy.
If you wish to support the Hope For Paws mission to save more animals, consider backing the incredible work they do.
Watch the full rescue adventure here: