A regular day turned extraordinary for a group of rescuers when a girl’s frantic cries caught their attention.
Curious and concerned, they searched for the source of her distress and discovered a dog stranded beneath the bridge.
It baffled everyone as to how the dog ended up there, leading them to speculate he might have been thrown.
Trapped near a pillar, the rescuers knew they had to come up with a strategy to rescue the poor pup.
Embarking on an Urgent Rescue

The surroundings were filthy, with murky waters enveloping the puppy. He lay there still, with only faint cries echoing his plight.
Observing from afar, they surmised he might be hurt. Outfitted in a vest and softly whimpering, his distress was evident.
Approaching by boat beneath the bridge, the rescuers set their eyes on him. Overcome by fear, his reaction was expected.
The strangers cautiously made their way towards him, and he offered little resistance, perhaps sensing it was his only shot at escape.
He was gently ushered onto the boat, whisked away to a nearby shore.

The whole team rallied together to swiftly get him into a car. Confused and frightened, the pup intuitively felt he was finally safe.
Once at the clinic, he received a detailed medical checkup. His attire suggested an owner, but their whereabouts were a mystery.
Vets gently removed his clothing, revealing a severely injured leg. Pain was etched on his face.
Determined to unravel his past, a rescuer began scouting for surveillance footage from around the scene of his abandonment.
New Beginnings for Nemo

Footage revealed the pup had an owner who heartlessly threw him off the bridge two days earlier. Their identity remained unclear, making the act all the more cruel.
X-rays painted a grim picture, showing multiple fractures. Surgery was mandatory, but one leg couldn’t be saved.
The decision to amputate was tough, yet necessary to stave off life-threatening necrosis. Though unfortunate, it was essential for his survival.
Despite being on the mend physically, the emotional toll left the puppy deeply affected by the incident.

His spirit was crushed; he barely ate or engaged with his surroundings. His rescuer was determined to help him heal emotionally.
Though wary of humans, the pup found comfort among other dogs. His rescuer decided to introduce him to some new buddies.
His demeanor began to change, slowly coming out of his shell. Witnessing his transformation was heartening. The rescuer lovingly named him Nemo.
She couldn’t part with him, choosing to have him by her side on this fresh start, promising him a life with unwavering love.