If dogs who’ve been left behind could speak, imagine the sorrowful stories we might hear.
Some would probably shout about the cruel treatment they’ve suffered at the hands of humans. Others might tell tearful tales of the tough times they’ve had to live through.
And some, even with the ability to talk, would remain silent, too traumatized to utter a single word.
I’m confident Paris would be one of the silent ones.
This adorable Pittie found herself unable to voice her sorrow, hiding quietly beneath a stranger’s car, trying to make sense of why the person she loved had abandoned her.
Everything’s Gonna Turn Out Fine
Krissie and Ashley stumbled upon Paris, frozen with fear beneath a car near their workplace. They rushed to help but worried she might react to them out of fear.
Moments later, they reached out to LA Animal Rescue, hoping to get assistance.
“We’ve got a dog on our property who might have been abandoned. I’m hoping you can help before security contacts animal control,” Krissie texted.
The response was quick. LA Animal Rescue teamed up with Eldad from Hope For Paws, who arrived shortly thereafter.
“Eldad hopped into the car to go get her. We knew absolutely nothing: health, behavior, gender, microchip status—just a dog hiding under a car. But we said we’d take her,” shared LA Animal Rescue in an Instagram post.
Knowing that Paris had spent the whole day still under a car, Eldad opted for a gentle approach. He tempted Paris with some tasty treats and spoke softly to her.
To everyone’s amazement, Paris quickly warmed up. She neither barked nor growled or attempted an escape. Her trust in Eldad allowed him to carefully leash her.
Krissie and Ashley couldn’t have been more relieved. Without Eldad, Paris might have ended up in a crowded shelter, facing the bleak possibility of euthanasia.
Fortunately, she was on her way to a new beginning, thanks to those who went out of their way to help her.
After a pampering session and a full check-up at the vet, Paris embarked on her fresh start in a loving foster home!
“Good Things Are Ahead”
Thanks to the compassionate folks in California, Paris transitioned from a chilly spot beneath a car to the warm embrace of her foster home’s yard.
Tania, a devoted volunteer at LA Animal Rescue, took Paris in with open arms, and Paris is now brimming with joy!
“We suspect she didn’t have a pleasant life before the rescue. She wasn’t angry—just sad. But she’s regaining her bright spirit! From here on out, only good days for Paris,” LA Animal Rescue posted on Instagram.
Now, Paris’s sweet smile is here to stay. She’s discovered security and affection, far from the perils of street life.
Once abandoned, Paris now enjoys a life brimming with chances and, most importantly, love. Her rescuers and Tania will ensure she thrives until her forever family arrives.
Paris is flourishing and her real personality is shining through. She’s a joyful, affectionate dog who cherishes each moment with people. She absolutely adores belly rubs, playing doggy games, and enjoying adventures with her foster mom.
It’s certain that Paris will make a great addition to a new family. Let’s hope it happens soon!